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PoolTogether Subgraphs

PoolTogether has a GraphQL API Endpoint hosted by The Graph called a subgraph for indexing and organizing data from the PoolTogether smart contracts.

These subgraphs can be used to query on-chain PoolTogether data. The subgraphs data are serviced by a decentralized group of server operators called Indexers.

The PoolTogether subgraphs work by listening for events emitted by one or more data sources (Smart Contracts) on the various chains. It handles the indexing and caching of data which can later be queried using the GraphQL API Endpoint, providing an excellent developer experience.

Get Started

Learn more about how subgraphs work by checking out The Graph's official documentation. If you are unfamiliar with GraphQL, we recommend taking a quick look through the GraphQL documentation first.

GitHub Code

You can find the source code for the subgraphs at:

Subgraph Endpoints

Mainnet Subgraphs

Optimism (contracts)

Base (contracts)

Arbitrum One (contracts)

Testnet Subgraphs

Optimism Sepolia (contracts)

Base Sepolia (contracts)

Arbitrum Sepolia (contracts)