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Prize Hook Security

Why is this important?

The hooks are called by the vault contract when a prize claim occurs, but a hook contract may not know which vaults to trust. There are a few ways to verify that the caller of a hook can be trusted:

Option 1: Only Allow Hook Usage on a Single Vault

The easiest way to secure your hook is to check that the msg.sender address matches a specific vault that has been approved.

Option 2: Verify the Caller is a Standard Prize Vault

The msg.sender can be verified as a standard prize vault by using the deployedVaults mapping on the factory contract. If the vault was deployed by the factory, then the hook can be certain that it will only be called when a legitimate prize has been won.

This method is the quick and safe, but it restricts the vault compatibility to only standard vaults from a specific factory contract. If a new factory or a new type of vault is created and uses the same hook standard, then it will not be compatible with a hook that uses this method.

Option 3: Verify the Caller is Any Valid Vault

To verify that the caller of a hook is any valid vault, it can be cross-referenced with the prize pool contract. Both hooks receive parameters for the winner's address, the prize tier, and the prize index. This data can be passed to the PrizePool.isWinner(...) function with the vault parameter set as msg.sender. If this function returns true, the hook can be certain that the specified prize has been won for the last awarded draw.

⚠️ It is important to note that if this verification method is used, the additional parameters passed to the hooks (reward & rewardRecipient or prize & prizeRecipient) cannot be trusted without additional verification.

⚠️ It is also possible that a malicious vault may call the hooks out of order, or not call a hook at all, so the default hook behavior should not be assumed.

If the hook also requires replay protection, then it can store a mapping of prizes won such that when the hook is called for any prize on a given draw, it will mark that prize as claimed and protect that hook from being called again with the same prize data.

The mapping may look like the following:

mapping(address vault => 
mapping(address account =>
mapping(uint24 drawId =>
mapping(uint8 tier =>
mapping(uint32 prizeIndex => bool hooked)
) internal _hookedPrizes;

The last awarded draw ID can be retrieved by calling PrizePool.getLastAwardedDrawId().

⚠️ It may be tempting to use the PrizePool.wasClaimed(...) function to check for replay protection, but it is not secure as a malicious vault could call a hook as many times as it wants without actually claiming the prize.